Saturday, October 22, 2011

from the land of festivals





Last night I went to a traditional dance event with other Japanese teachers. I always wanted to go to one of those Indian cultural events on campus, but I'd never had the chance until yesterday.

The event was organized by a senior Japanese professors, so I saw many of my students there. It was actually really great to see them outside of the class.

I enjoyed the night very much. Ah, great to be in India.

Monday, October 17, 2011

very fair



I went to one of the crafts museums in Delhi yesterday. Since I didn't have enough money and those high-end and nice-looking saris were so expensive, I couldn't purchase any of them. But it was really great to see and enjoy my time there.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

one of the most unpleasant drinks


I had this drink called 'Mango Madness' today at a cafe. I was expecting a refreshing mango drink. But as soon as I had a sip, I couldn't help myself saying 'Yikes'. This actually reminded me of the cucumber drink I had a way back in Afgan restaurant (was it?). I tried, but couldn't finish it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

one of the major festivals

ただいま、Durga Pujaというインドのお祭りの真っ最中。今日は、近所にあるお寺へ行ってきました。このヒンドゥー教のドゥルガーさま、迫力があって、好きです。インド人に交じり、私もお祈りしてきました。お祭り最終日の明日は祝日でお休みです。西ベンガルの方では、1か月丸々休みになるほど、盛大に祝われています。

The Indian festive season has begun. Durga Puja is one of the major festivals celebrated in India. Today I went for a walk and visited this temple near my house. I like this powerful-and-strong looking Hindu goddess Durga. I think she's very cool. Tomorrow is the last day of the festival, and it's a holiday. Yay!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

next week in Kobe


the plot thickens

Time does fly. It's been already 9 months since I came to India. Whoa. Last September I quit my teaching job in Osaka. It feels like it happened very recently.

今日は久しぶりに韓国料理を食べました。My friends and I went to a Korean restaurant today. It was pretty tasty. Glad that it wasn't that spicy.

小さな壺をつくる女性の写真を撮ったつもりが、おじさんの行動が気になります。でも、これ、こちらでよく見かける光景・・・Hey, mister, what are you doing?